2025 Spring/Summer Travel

Our summer hockey teams are an important part of the Battery model, we compete at the top events in the summer against the very best from across the United States. We have teams in both the AAA and AA/A divisions for all birth years (2017 - 2009). We take our selection process very seriously and we make sure that each team is competitive and well-balanced at the appropriate level. Each team is assigned a professional coach that has been picked by our staff to represent the team and program.


We offer teams for the 2017 - 2009 birth years. We have a AAA Invite, AAA, AA, and A team at each birth year.


Our season operates from April - August. We typically attend 4-6 tournaments per birth year. Exact locations and dates will be released soon.


$350 per tournament.


$100 fee to cover your jersey, socks, and apparel.


We host training camp in Columbus during the months of March and April. These are age specific and offer 10-hours of training during the weekend. When ice is available we also practice the Thursday before each tournament in the city that we are playing in.

Training Camp

As part of the Tournament team, you are invited to register for our Tournament Team Training Camp. This 8-hour training session will take place in Columbus, Ohio at The Battery and Chiller Ice Rinks. This high level camp is a great way to meet kids on your team, develop, and train with our elite coaching staff.

Core Values

There is a better player in all of us. More importantly, there is a better person in all of us. A better teammate, a better student, a better teacher. That’s what The Battery intends to cultivate. Yes, we love hockey. It’s a great game. But it is also a tool by which you can learn more about yourself and grow as a person. When we use hockey to hone and foster that personal growth, we will have succeeded at our primary goal … to make every player exponentially better.

Guiding Principles

Passion, hard work, and discipline are the foundations of what we do. You have to love it. You have to get after it. And you have to commit yourself to it. Good is not great, and The Battery will remind you of that very fact each and every time you train with us.

Battery AAA Invite

Date Tournament Location Age
April 25th - 27th CCM Shuffle Chicago All
May 2nd - 4th Super Series Pittsburgh All
May 23rd - 26th King of Spring Nashville 2011
May 23rd - 26th King of Spring Minneapolis 2014
June 13th - 15th Battle of Buffalo Buffalo All
June 18th - 22nd King of Spring Montreal 2013
June 24th - 29th CLASH Chicago 2014
Aug - TBD CCM Invite Boston All

Battery AAA

Date Tournament Location Age
April 25th - 27th CCM Shuffle Chicago All
May 16th - 18th TCS Iron City Pittsburgh All
May 23rd - 26th TCS SC Mem Cup North Charleston All
May 30th - June 1 TCS Chicago Chicago All
June 13th - 15th Battle of Buffalo Buffalo All
June 26th - 30th TCS Nashville Nashville All
Aug - TBD CCM Invite Boston All

Battery Select (A/AA)

Date Event City Age
May 2nd - 4th TCS Nashville Nashville All
May 16th - 18th TCS Iron City Pittsburgh All
May 23rd - 26th TCS SC Mem Cup North Charleston All
May 30th - June 1 TCS Chicago Chicago All
June 20th - 22nd TCS Niagara Niagara All
June 26th - 30th TCS Nashville Nashville All

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you pick the teams?

Our athletes come from all over the United States so we do not select our teams based off a tryout process. Our coaching staff researches each athlete and we make sure to do our homework before placing each athlete. We will look at video and contact coaches to make these decisions.

Do you need to stay in the hotels?

Yes, unfortunately these are stay to play events.

Do I need to attend each event?

No, we understand you have a life outside of hockey, you can pick and choose which events you would like to attend.

2025 Spring/Summer

2025 Spring/Summer Travel Teams

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